We reward good habits!
Choose the deposit product 15-Ka and save in MKD for a period of 15 months. We are offering you excellent interest rate of 2.55% fixed for the entire period!
*The interest rate is presented nominally, at annual level.
By depositing of money you obtain monthly payment of interest and you are not limited to minimum amount of deposit!
Demand interest rate shall be calculated in case of prematurely termination of the agreement.
The savings deposits in Capital Bank AD Skopje are insured!
The Fund indemnifies the insured deposits, however not more than the denar counter-value of 30.000 Euros per deposit in a bank, branch of a foreign bank or a savings bank calculated according to the average rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia on the day of the decision.
The indemnification of denar and foreign currency deposits is performed only in denars.
We are offering you to make an appointment for meeting pursuant to your obligations, and all that for the purpose of becoming familiar with the advantages of the product. Contact us on the following numbers or by e-mail info@capitalbank.com.mk .
Branch office Centre - Tel. No 02/3102 508; 3102 536;
Branch office Aerodrom – Tel. No 02/2403 001;
Branch office AMSM Centre-Tel. No 02/ 3298 592; 02/ 3298 593;
Branch office Strumica-Tel. No 034/349 764;
Branch office Tetovo -Tel. No 044/352 233; 044/352 235;
Desk UTMS - Tel. No 02/2601-062; 02/2601 063;
Desk Chair-Tel. No 02/3070 446.