Capital Bank | Financial Inovation

Electronic banking for legal entities

Basic information

Capital Bank AD Skopje has a virtual branch which is available to all its clients. The virtual branch operates 24 hours, 7 days in the week, through which the clients can perform all bank transactions electronically, applying the highest technology for data security.

Using the e-banking service, the clients can realize the following services:

  • Transfers of funds in denars;
  • Monitoring of the current balance of the account;
  • Review of the account transactions (inflow and outflow);
  • Printing an excerpt and movements on the account;
  • Receiving and sending notifications.

What are the benefits of using the E-Banking service of Capital Bank:

  • Quick and simple use;
  • Saving time and money;
  • Use of cutting edge technology for data protection;
  • Control, monitoring and access to your account 24/7;
  • Performing transactions from any location and in any time;
  • Highest security standards and secrecy.

In order to be a user of the service, all you need is the following:

  • Open transaction account in Capital Bank;
  • Completed application on use of the Е-Banking service;
  • Completed agreement on use of the Е-Banking service.

For all additional information, contact the nearest branch of Capital Bank AD Skopje or contact us on the following telephone number: + 389 2 3102 541; 3102 542 or by e-mail:



Str.Nikola Kljusev no. 1, 1000 Skopje


+389 02/3102-500; +389 02/3102 510

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